Christoph Schell

Prof. Dr. Dr.
Principal Investigator

Center for Medicine
Department for Pathology
Institute for Surgical Pathology

Breisacher Str. 115A
79106 Freiburg

Current Position

Pathology Resident, Group Leader and Clinician-Scientist at the Institute of Surgical Pathology, Medical Center – University of Freiburg

Academic training

2011 - 2014 PhD at SGBM graduate school, University of Freiburg
2002 - 2008 Medical School, LMU and TU Munich

Scientific training

2020 Habilitation in Experimental Pathology, University of Freiburg
(Mentor: Prof. Dr. M. Werner & Prof. Dr. T. Huber)
2014 Dissertation (Dr. rer. nat.), Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg
(Supervisor: Prof. Dr. T. Huber)
2012 Dissertation (Dr. med.) LMU University of Munich
(Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. Mayrhofer)

Postgraduate positions

2017 - present Group Leader, Institute of Surgical Pathology,
Medical Center - University of Freiburg
2016 - present Pathology Resident, Institute of Surgical Pathology,
Medical Center - University of Freiburg
2014 - 2015 Junior Group Leader, Department of Nephrology,
Medical Center - University of Freiburg
2011 - 2015 Reserach Fellow, Department of Nephrology,
Medical Center - University of Freiburg
2010- 2011 Internal Medicine Residency,
Medical Center - University of Freiburg
2009 - 2010 Internal Medicine Residency,
Medical Center - University of Freiburg

Miscellaneous (Honors, Awards)

2017 - 2020 Berta-Ottenstein Clinician Scientist Fellow
2014 Research Stipend – German Society of Nephrology
2013 - 2014 Clinician Scientist Fellowship – NAKSYS (EKFS)

link to all publications from C. Schell: Pubmed

Publications based on CRC1160 funding

Arnold F, Kupferschmid L, Weissenborn P, Heldmann L, Hummel JF, Zareba P, Sagar, Rogg M, Schell C, Tanriver Y. 2024. Tissue-resident memory T cells break tolerance to renal autoantigens and orchestrate immune-mediated nephritis. Cell Mol Immunol. Jul 3. doi: 10.1038/s41423-024-01197-z.

Kögl T, Chang HF, Staniek J, Chiang SCC, Thoulass G, Lao J, Weißert K, Dettmer-Monaco V, Geiger K, Manna PT, Beziat V, Momenilandi M, Tu SM, Keppler SJ, Pattu V, Wolf P, Kupferschmid L, Tholen S, Covill LE, Ebert K, Straub T, Groß M, Gather R, Engel H, Salzer U, Schell C, Maier S, Lehmberg K, Cornu TI, Pircher H, Shahrooei M, Parvaneh N, Elling R, Rizzi M, Bryceson YT, Ehl S, Aichele P, Ammann S. 2024. Patients and mice with deficiency in the SNARE protein SYNTAXIN-11 have a secondary B cell defect. J Exp Med. 221(7):e20221122. doi: 10.1084/jem.20221122.

Moeed A, Thilmany N, Beck F, Puthussery BK, Ortmann N, Haimovici A, Badr MT, Haghighi EB, Boerries M, Öllinger R, Rad R, Kirschnek S, Gentle IE, Donakonda S, Petric PP, Hummel JF, Pfaffendorf E, Zanetta P, Schell C, Schwemmle M, Weber A, Häcker G. 2024. The Caspase-Activated DNase drives inflammation and contributes to defense against viral infection. Cell Death Differ. 31(7):924-937. doi: 10.1038/s41418-024-01320-7.

Dettmer-Monaco V, Weißert K, Ammann S, Monaco G, Lei L, Gräßel L, Rhiel M, Rositzka J, Kaufmann MM, Geiger K, Andrieux G, Lao J, Thoulass G, Schell C, Boerries M, Illert AL, Cornu TI, Ehl S, Aichele P, Cathomen T. 2024. Gene editing of hematopoietic stem cells restores T-cell response in familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Jan;153(1):243-255.e14. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2023.08.003.

Rogg M, Maier JI, Helmstädter M, Sammarco A, Kliewe F, Kretz O, Weißer L, Van Wymersch C, Findeisen K, Koessinger AL, Tsoy O, Baumbach J, Grabbert M, Werner M, Huber TB, Endlich N, Schilling O, Schell C. 2023. A YAP/TAZ-ARHGAP29-RhoA Signaling Axis Regulates Podocyte Protrusions and Integrin Adhesions. Cells. 2023 Jul 6;12(13):1795. doi: 10.3390/cells12131795.

Strohmeier V, Andrieux G, Unger S, Pascual-Reguant A, Klocperk A, Seidl M, Marques OC, Eckert M, Gräwe K, Shabani M, von Spee-Mayer C, Friedmann D, Harder I, Gutenberger S, Keller B, Proietti M, Bulashevska A, Grimbacher B, Provaznik J, Benes V, Goldacker S, Schell C, Hauser AE, Boerries M, Hasselblatt P, Warnatz K. 2023. Interferon-Driven Immune Dysregulation in Common Variable Immunodeficiency-Associated Villous Atrophy and Norovirus Infection. J Clin Immunol. 43(2):371-390. doi: 10.1007/s10875-022-01379-2.

Ruckert, T., G. Andrieux, M. Boerries, K. Hanke-Muller, N. M. Woessner, S. Doetsch, C. Schell, K. Aumann, J. Kolter, A. Schmitt-Graeff, M. Schiff, L. M. Braun, E. Haring, S. Kissel, B. A. Siranosian, A. S. Bhatt, P. Nordkild, J. Wehkamp, B. A. H. Jensen, S. Minguet, J. Duyster, R. Zeiser, and N. Kohler. 2022. Human beta-defensin 2 ameliorates acute GVHD by limiting ileal neutrophil infiltration and restraining T cell receptor signaling. Sci Transl Med 14: eabp9675. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abp9675.

Weissert, K., S. Ammann, T. Kogl, V. Dettmer-Monaco, C.  Schell, T. Cathomen, S. Ehl, and P. Aichele. 2022. Adoptive T cell therapy cures mice from active hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). EMBO Mol Med: e16085. doi: 10.15252/emmm.202216085.

Strohmeier, V., G. Andrieux, S. Unger, A. Pascual-Reguant, A. Klocperk, M. Seidl, O. C. Marques, M. Eckert, K. Grawe, M. Shabani, C. von Spee-Mayer, D. Friedmann, I. Harder, S. Gutenberger, B. Keller, M. Proietti, A. Bulashevska, B. Grimbacher, J. Provaznik, V. Benes, S. Goldacker, C. Schell, A. E. Hauser, M. Boerries, P. Hasselblatt, and K. Warnatz. 2022. Interferon-Driven Immune Dysregulation in Common Variable Immunodeficiency-Associated Villous Atrophy and Norovirus Infection. J Clin Immunol. pii: 10.1007/s10875-022-01379-2. doi: 10.1007/s10875-022-01379-2.

Globig AM, Mayer LS, Heeg M, Andrieux G, Ku M, Otto-Mora P, Hipp A, Zoldan K, Pattekar A, Rana N, Schell C, Boerries M, Hofmann M, Neumann-Haefelin C, Kuellmer A, Schmidt A, Boettler T, Tomov V, Thimme R, Hasselblatt P, Bengsch B. Gastroenterology. 2022. Exhaustion of CD39-expressing CD8+ T cells in Crohn’s disease is linked to clinical outcome. First published: 2022 Jun 20:S0016-5085(22)00663-1. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2022.06.045. Online ahead of print.